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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Traffic Sniglets

On my way to office, I was stuck in traffic and was going slow. My mind started wandering around and landed up on Sniglets. Sniglets, a word coined by American comedian Rich Hall, means a word that does not appear in the dictionary, but should. My uncle (more like my cousin) showed me a book when I was probably in my 8th grade or so and I found it to be extremely fascinating.

While the intent of sniglets is mostly humor and dry wit, I think there is a lot of truth in it also - why do most of the actions/mannerisms we experience in the day-today world not present in a dictionary? Goes to show that there is a lot of scope in a language still!

Here are some samples I pulled from the Internet:

  • Bleemus (blee' mus) - n. The disgusting film on the top of soups and cocoa that sit out for too long.
  • Crummox (noun) - The amount of cereal leftover in the box that is too little to eat and too much to throw away
  • Laminites (lam' in itz) - n. Those strange people who show up in the photo section of brand-new wallets.
  • Phistel (fis' tul) - n. The brake pedal on the passenger side of the car that you wish existed when you're riding with a lunatic (or wife!).
Back to traffic, here are some I thought of, while waiting for the traffic to ease.
  • Blancoslug (blanko slug) - n. The big car/van that goes slowly in front just when you get into a lane with solid lines (so you can't cross)
  • Biggaslug (bigga slug) - Bigger the size of the car, slower it goes in the left lane (and does not move to the right).
  • Rubbaslugger (rubba slugger) - Person who slows down due to an accident on the other side of the road, even if he can do nothing about it, but congesting the traffic on his own side as a result.
As you can see, the running theme is drivers slowing down for apparently no reason!

1 comment:

Vasu Ramanujam said...

hmm...what shall i say, i found this post a tad "BOROX" --> Boring in an Obnoxious sort of way :-)?hehehe..
Would it make your list :-)?